
Project 100 will start again in January.

10 clients per month as usual.

Contact me for more info

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yesterday morning, one fine young chap name Sergeant Chee Wee passed away due to a car accident. His parents did not manage to receive the information first hand till hours later because their parents could not even afford a mobile phone.

Those in Maju camp should already know this, and this is why coming wednesday no RT/IPPT. I've donated some money, but there is so much one person can do. He have ZERO insurance, not even the SAF one.

I urge those who have the heart and will to help monetarily, please step up and contribute. Those who want to donate, can donate in Cash or Cheque. Every cent counts, 10cent 20cent also can, $10, $20 even better.

His family is in a very bad shape and have one younger brother to support. Those who are willing to help, please contact me.

Lets find a way to support others.

(This is also a good reminder to us: no matter how much money you can make, you can never use it if you are not around. Say 'I love you' to your love ones as and when you can, cos you'll never know what will happen next) Thank You for your support.


1 comment:

wayne900 said...

very sad.

last month i went to my first IPPT and i saw him. He was giving briefing. Looks like a nice chap.